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Destiny by Design

Within these pages lies wisdom, knowledge, and freedom. It is yours for the taking. It doesn't matter which journey or beliefs you have chosen. If you're searching, or have developed an expanded/Christ consciousness, or have learned to apply Universal Laws, these teachings can bring and enhance clarity. The hidden dangers include the Nuances and Energies that surround Cosmic, Universal, Spiritual, and Natural Laws. They influence everything in our lives. From the unmanifest to the manifest, unconscious to the conscious, many people unwittingly continue to create what they do not desire, then wonder why life seems to be a struggle. Nuances are subtle, but very apparent when checks and balances are applied to the governing laws. Christ was emblematic of these teachings. There are nuances to these energies which are subtle, however, when recognized they allow us to create with purpose and intent; efficiently, effectively and effortlessly. . Applying the steps and concepts found within this book can change your world. Our world.


"Reading Want Not and be Open to Receive has shed light upon a way of acknowledging and perceiving life lessons that were once shrouded in shadow. I believe it has opened doors for me to become what I was always meant to be." —Mr. M. Galen

"If you find yourself searching, this book delivers! It's more than a onetime read. Shadow Fox introduces nuances to some Universal Laws, that until now have gone unnoticed. Thanks for a great gift. Highly Recommend! —Red Dawn Lightning, A student


—"If you could give me the benefit of the doubt for just a moment... I will show you how to actively create with purpose and intent, efficiently and effectively. These are the steps I've used all my life. I have asked, I have been open, and I have received."

—".....from the unconscious to the conscious mind....., From the unmanifest, to the manifest, all of life is influenced by these laws in one way or another."

To utilize these empowering tools that can influence any aspect within your life, Want Not and be Open to Receive is being made available from Tate Publishing & Amazon.

Accessing this silent code of life can help anyone who is searching or questioning a spiritual knowledge base, struggling with addictions or survivor-ship, victim or villain, life's purpose, seeking success and even for those who stand in their truth. Creating a Destiny by Design is your heritage.

Ennoble your truth, Enable your action

Ageless Wisdom ~ vs.~ The Winds of Lunacy has a number of objectives:To provide methods, ideas, and tools for constructing a vital, lively, and positive lifestyle.To assist in becoming knowledgeable about the energies and forces that are in constant movement within all substance, most notably the human.To define and characterize terms used in everyday language in a more illumined fashion.To inspire, with personal stories and the walk of “the road less traveled.”To present a roadway or path to higher consciousness and expansion of awareness.To provoke and encourage a curiosity into the research of the phenomenon of self.To remind all who read Ageless Wisdom ~ vs.~ The Winds of Lunacy of their divinity and purpose here on Earth.To bring into awareness the “as above, so below” connectivity that exists throughout all existence.To show more effectively the “why.” As we find the why, the “how to” follows, and the lunacy stops.Within the framework of this text lies a revealing secret. Within this revelation is a design or a manifesto for living a balanced and harmonious life and to enrich the mundane, illuminate the challenge of life, invoke steadfastness, discipline, and the honor of life. Are you ready?


Endorsements for

Ageless Wisdom ~vs.~ The Winds of Lunacy The Choice

Ageless Wisdom ~vs.~ The Winds of Lunacy is Masterfully done. This work will help define and encourage those who seek a deeper understanding within the greater awareness of who we are and how we can reach a form of attainment. There are practical applications and much room for thought. From the mundane day to day materialism, to the elegance and beauty of spirit. Lee Two Hawks shares how this journey we call life can come alive! Highly recommended! ...Phyllis G. Grimm...


More than a manual, more than a how to, more than a single read. Wow, just wow. 'If you only knew', 'hindsight' and 'where was this information twenty years ago?' all come to mind. What a journey! What a possibility of and for self. Not your 'run of the mill', this book changed my perceptions about life, liberty and who I chose to become. Thank you Lee Two Hawks for leaving 'bread crumbs', you are not alone! ...Mrs. S. Y. G ( now a student.)...


Exquisitely crafted personal expressions. Such an illuminating volume to bring present the concepts. Sooooo poignant and stark. I could not put this book down. I am deeply affected by all that this work reveals and gives rise to. The poetry is award worthy and amazing. A true roadmap to self determinism, happiness and universal harmony. ...Eagle Wisdom Keeper... Deborah Matteliano...

I thought I knew; ageless wisdom. I couldn't put the book down. I thought I knew! Extraordinary! This will not be a lending book, that would be The Winds of Lunacy. Recommendation? Get your own copy. The Choice? My choice is that; this little light of mine, I will let it shine! I know now, how to be. ...Little One...


What lies within these pages is beautiful, awakening insight and spiritual understanding. The information I have gathered from this extremely motivating and intriguing "tool book" is not something I have learned in school, nor in church. Although I am only on my second decade of a life's journey, I can implement these tools that Lee Two Hawks has gracefully given. Pain, suffering, drama and isolation will no longer cloud my vision. Reading just one chapter will enhance your life, reading another will challenge you, yet another will enliven you. Simply astounding. ...Sweet Thunder... Mrs. Pearl

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