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The Center for Self Empowerment

Is a non-denominational, self developmental, spiritual growth entity, giving respect to all cultures, all experiences, truths, and all levels of awareness and personal development. We specialize in the expansion of human and spiritual consciousness, with emphasis on healing the human condition.

“The Sapphire Teachings”

Which is a course of study for self-discovery, expansion of consciousness and empowerment. We are committed to bring forth these Ancient teachings to those who have a sincere desire and interest in taking responsibility for their own spiritual and personal growth. We assist you with your journey, at your own pace, in an effective and efficient way, encompassing balance and harmony.

Shadow Fox and Lee Two Hawks function as guides, messengers, mentors, facilitators, leaders, healers and coach’s who empower your paths of human conduct & spiritual expansion. Teaching & guiding for them is a way of life; it’s their journey and mission to bring a realistic, unified approach with practical utilization of tools to live a life with deliberate joyous intent.

Their desire is that these teachings will enable each participant to become adepts and masters of the Ancient Wisdom. This involves and evolves into the conquering of illusion, maya,(forces which format the illusionary premise.) and glamour,(the appeal of the illusion).

The Sacred Path- The Power of One

The time is upon us to stand as equals, to speak in a single voice, to strive for the spiritual elevation of all Humanity. The time of group awareness, group effort, group consciousness is at hand and, indeed, critical.

How greater the range of influence, how essential and powerful the voice, how more greatly stimulating the energy of Spirit is in the Call of the Many. To encourage when courage fails, to uplift the lagging step, to provide light in the dark cavity of days, this is the potency of the group, one to the other, as the Journey unfolds the razor edge of commitment.

The Sapphire Teachings assist in clarifying the travails of defining self, looking at belief systems, healing inner conflicts, self-defeating views, guilt, sorrow, anger, bitterness, or the enslaving language and behavioral patterns, all of which slow us down and impoverish us. Our teachings using Ancient Wisdom seeks to awaken and to bring forth the manifest beauty of Self, offering tools and knowledge, methods and perceptions to do so.

Whether you are just beginning on the path of spiritual awakening or truly walking with the “I AM PRESENCE” these teachings will enhance and promote your present state of development. (Probationary, aspirant, disciple.)

We share Ancient Wisdom and Cosmic,Universal, Spiritual/ Solar, Natural Laws, using a realistic, unified approach with practical utilization of tools to live a life without fear; encompassing freedom & abundance, joy, balance and harmony.

Our desire is for you to STAND in YOUR TRUTH. Will you say, “This one will."

Offering Personalized Programs in:

  • Expansion of Spiritual Consciousness.

  • Healing Modalities: ~Auras, ~Breath, ~Emotional Self, ~Chakras,~ Energy.

  • Energy Concepts. Meditation.

  • Home study & Private Instruction.

  • Cosmic, Universal, Spiritual, & Natural Laws.

  • Mediumship.

Popular Topics of Classes
  • The Warrior.

  • Conflict-Greater than Nations.

  • The High & Low- The Lower Triad.

  • Trait Building

  • Manifesting, without conflict.

  • 7 Bodies

  • Perception

  • Phenomenal Self.

  • Personal Journey (Also in PDF.)

  • Creating with language.

  • Reiki I, II, III

  • Sensitivity Sessions

Please Note: all information/classes can be presented in any of the formats i.e. lecture, workshops, or seminars, and can be individualized for your specific interests and requirements. Please contact us for more info & ideas for classes, or on our services; teachings, speaking engagements, hosting, booking and pricing in your area.

Offer the following programs:

In-depth Weekend Study:

2-3 Day interactive class


3 - 4 hr. interactive session

Lectures:/ Seminars:

3 - 4 hr. Base or/ Expanded core material covered. With additional

vital concepts & perceptions.

Development Classes:

study of any course material. (Also available for Private Teachings)

Native American Teachings:

Native American Ceremony


Talking Circle

Walking the Red Path

Services Offered:

  • Personal/ Life Coaching.

  • Professional Mediumship/Readings

  • Many Healing Modalities

  • Hypnosis:

  • Past-life regression.

  • Tapping into Natural Healing.

  • Stop; smoking-diets-fears.

  • Success- energy- abundance.

Pre-registration for above

services are required.


Email Address*


Examples for Workshops

However not limited to:

  • Mind as the Builder

To bring into awareness how each thought, every day brings us into balance or imbalance. To examine our behavior of action or reaction, is it building or a destruction of our desire for harmony, truth, or beauty. To manifest right thinking in our associations and relationships.

  • Universality

To readapt and reconstitute our sense of singularity into the recognition of our unique and perfect connection to each other, the earth, the stars, and all that is. To facilitate the acceptance of the Divine within and bring that Divinity into our every breath.

  • Language of Self

To help understand & heal the conflicts, inner turmoil, disenchantments through the study of the inner Self. Learn the influences thereof and the interface with your cultural and social setting. Understand how the personality self carries the residual aspects of all interactions and how that influences decision making.

  • Being

Overview of the psychic Phenomenal Self in its many aspects which will enhance and enrich your comprehension of the greater richness which we all carry. How to access and manifest that richness in your life. Learn to recognize a different approach to this plane of existence. It's our desire that you continue to seek for the answers that will bring you fulfillment and empowerment.

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